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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Mid-Columbia Duck Race?


The Mid-Columbia Duck Race is a cooperative fundraising event for the five Rotary clubs of the Tri-Cities which include the Rotary Clubs of Columbia Center, Columbia Valley Daybreak, Pasco-Kennewick, Richland, and Tri-Cities Sunrise.  Nearly $3 million has been raised in the 37 years since the duck race's inception.  For an interesting historical read, click here.  The duck race consists of raffle tickets with winners drawn at an event at Columbia Park - in 2025 this event is scheduled for Saturday, September 20, 2025.


Where is the Mid-Columbia Duck Race?


The race is located on the Columbia River at the Lampson pit area of Columbia Park in Kennewick. This is located near the blue bridge, playground of dreams, and the bandshell, along the rivershore east part of the park.  Overflow parking is available.


When is the Mid-Columbia Duck Race?


The race is held each year on a designated Saturday in the fall.  In 2025, the Duck Race will be held on September 20th starting at 10 a.m. at Columbia Park, Kennewick.  Activities taking place will include local non profits sharing information and kids activities.  The Ducks Race at Noon sharp!  Special thanks to Columbia Industries - CI Community Center and Rotary Club of Richland for continued spearheading of official race activities.   Winners will be announced within 72 hours of the race, once validation is completed.  Check back to our Winners Page after the race to see if you won!


How does the Mid-Columbia Duck Race work?


On event day, rubber ducks are numbered to match the number on each ticket. They are then placed in a large container provided by Basin Disposal and lifted over the Columbia River by a large Lampson Crane.  The start of the race is started off by the Lampson crane releasing the 25,000 ducks into a prefabricated race course into the River.  The first duck to cross the finish line wins the highest valued prize.


What is planned on event day?


Local Rotary supported non profit organizations will be on hand sharing information about their organizations.  There will be activities for the kiddos at all booths on site.  Goody bags, activities and fun for the whole family can be found!   Bounce houses may be set up for children under 12 years old.  Concessions to include hot dogs, kettle corn, snow cones, coffee and much more!  Kennewick Fire Department and other community entities will be there to share hands on experiences for the kids. 


Do I receive the rubber duck after the race?


No, all ducks used in the duck race are rented  and must be immediately inventoried and shipped off to the next duck race!


Can I help retrieve the ducks from the river after the race?


No, please don't.  Volunteers are on hand to make this process go smoothly.  We appreciate your offer to help.   Please monitor your children closely and don't allow them into the river during the process of retrieving the ducks.


Where do the proceeds go?


When the race is over, each club will receive a split of the fundraiser after expenses.  Each club then chooses which charities they would like to support. This may change from year to year as the clubs add new charities to their list. For a sample of where the money goes, please visit the "How Rotary Helps" link. This is just a small sample of how each Rotary club helps the community.


What are the rules for the Mid-Columbia Duck Race?


Please visit the rules page.


How will I know if I won?


There are a few ways to find out if you won the grand prize!  The best way is to be present on race day!   The winners will also be announced on this website on the Winners Circle page within 72 hours of the race.   Sometimes the local news will post the winners on Sunday following the race.   However, all winners will be notified by mail from a local Certified Public Accountants office with instructions on how to claim their prize within a few days of the race.  Be sure that you fill out your ticket stub with up to date and current mailing information.  Only the person or business owner listed on the ticket is legally allowed to claim the prize. 


How do I claim my prize?


After the race, you will receive a letter in the mail with information on how to claim your prize.  Legal forms are required by the gambling commission before prize winners can collect their prize.  DO NOT CONTACT THE DONOR BUSINESS.  Follow the directions provided in the letter you receive from the CPA firm even if you see your name posted as a winner or you know the business who donated.  Only the person/business owner whose name is listed on the ticket are allowed to claim the prize.  Be sure to write your information in clearly when you purchase a ticket so that you can be contacted!


Who sponsors the Mid-Columbia Duck Race?


The Mid Columbia Duck race is a joint venture of five local Rotary clubs.  Premier Event Sponsors in 2024 were Toyota of Tri-Cities, Autobahn Auto Care Center, Desert Food Mart/Cougar Cafe, Farm Women - Evelyn & Nanette Walkley, and Moon Security!  Visit our sponsor page for more info.  If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please use the contact page and send us an email!  We would love to discuss the opportunity with you.  Another way to sponsor the duck race is as a Quackerbacker - these are people or businesses who purchase books of tickets.  In 2025, the ticket price will be $10 so books will be available in books of 20 for $200.  Visit our Quackerbacker Sponsor page for details and to see the wonderful quackerbacker sponsors who support us each year!


How can I join Rotary?


There are several Rotary Clubs in our community.  Most meet weekly and are welcoming to guests and new members.  To discover and visit a club near you to learn more about Rotary membership, check out the Find a Local Rotary Club page.

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